Do I Have Hurricane Coverage?

Do I have hurricane coverage?





The Atlantic hurricane season is from June 1st – November 30th with the peak occurring between mid-August and mid-October.

Our office receives phone calls and emails asking: Do I Have Hurricane Coverage?

The quick answer is, if you have home insurance, yes you have Hurricane Coverage.

The question then becomes:  What is your deductible?

Some coastal homes have special (not so special) Hurricane or Wind deductibles. Usually between 1% –  5% of the Coverage A, Dwelling, amount.

This deductible can be a huge number. A 5% hurricane deductible on a home with $1,000,000 Coverage A, dwelling, amount would be a $50,000 deductible.

This could be quite a shock to the home owner that has their roof torn off due to a hurricane.

Tips to survive a hurricane:

  • Find a secure, safe shelter. Never stay in a mobile home, trailer, high rise, or your car.
  • Stay away from any windows. Find an interior room in which you have access to emergency supplies.
  • Don’t use electronic devices.
  • Don’t light candles. Ensure you have several flashlights with plenty of extra batteries on hand.
  • Have your portable radio on so you can monitor the weather and follow any instructions of local authorities.
  • Don’t leave your secure area too soon. The storm may appear to have calmed but you may simply be in the eye.
  • Wait for the all-clear signal from local authorities.