Hurricane Tips

As Hurricane Irene approaches our area, following please find suggestions from our partner company, The Travelers in regard to steps you can take to stay safe:

  • Create a disaster plan. Plan an evacuation route in advance and determine where you would go if you were told to evacuate.
  • Prepare a survival kit. Stock up on drinking water, non-perishable goods, a first-aid kit and medicine for everyone including your pet. Include extra clothing, blankets, batteries, flashlights and a portable radio.
  • Conduct a home hazard hunt and make your home as safe as possible. Secure all outdoor objects such as garbage cans and lawn furniture. Close storm shutters and board up all windows.
  • Review how to shut off utilities in an emergency with all family members.
  • Locate important papers and documents and have them ready to take with you should you need to evacuate. Protect documents in plastic storage bags if you’re remaining in your home.
  • Make sure you have insurance policies with claim contact information, an inventory of your home’s contents and cash.
  • Ask an out-of-state friend to be your family contact. After a disaster, it’s often easier to call long-distance than to make a local call.
  • Finally, leave promptly when ordered to evacuate. Leaving too late or not leaving at all only endangers yourself and others.


Hurricane Tips

  • Find a secure, safe shelter. Never stay in a mobile home, trailer, high rise, or your car.
  • Stay away from any windows. Find an interior room in which you have access to emergency supplies.
  • Don’t use electronic devices.
  • Don’t light candles. Ensure you have several flashlights with plenty of extra batteries on hand.
  • Have your portable radio on so you can monitor the weather and follow any instructions of local authorities.
  • Don’t leave your secure area too soon. The storm may appear to have calmed but you may simply be in the eye.
  • Wait for the all-clear signal from local authorities.