At small fender bender times, it’s a common request: “Let’s not get the insurance companies involved.”
But is it a good idea?
Our general rule of thumb is: No. Report the claim to the insurance companies and let them handle it. That’s why you have the insurance.
Many times, the person suggesting he pay out of pocket, in an attempt to avoid a MA state insurance surcharge, doesn’t realize the amount of actual damage. Often times people will go the body shop, get the estimate, and rather than there being $300 the damage is $1,000. The person that did the hitting, aghast, will then ask to go through insurance.
Another thing to keep in mind with Massachusetts insurance surcharges: if the insurance company (-ies) pay out less than $500, then there is no surcharge.
If you have any questions, either before or after an accident happens … call Johnson & Rohan Insurance at 781-224-0909. We’re here to help.