It’s that time of year. Plows are breaking out in every community. Our phone rings and our client on the other end has questions about plowing and plates or plowing and insurance or both. So here’s the skinny: Massachusetts law is clear on the point that if you plow for hire, you need Commercial plates. Personal passenger plates are acceptable only if you plow your own driveway, or if say you plow a relatives driveway but do not get paid. Even still, a police office might write a ticket to a vehicle plowing with Private passenger plates- such a ticket would need to be appealed. Insurance and plowing is a little more complicated. Insurance carriers have different appetites for vehicles used for plowing. We work with some that will not write plows of any kind, others that will write only vehicles used for residential plowing and others that allow plowing without restriction. Please call if you plow and we can review your specific situation to ensure you have the right coverage and plates.